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BASIC Source File
163 lines
' ============================
' Interface from VB to Btrieve
' ============================
Sub CallBtrv (ByVal OpCod As Integer, ByVal FileNo As Integer, ByVal KeyNo As Integer)
Dim LockType As Integer ' record lock type
Static DupFlg As Integer ' duplicates flag
Dim NoData As Integer ' key only flag (bias of 50)
Dim KVal As String ' key value sent to Btrieve
LockType = (OpCod \ 100) * 100 ' extract lock type
OpCod = OpCod - LockType ' adjust to actual op code
NoData = 0 ' assume we want data in GET operations
If OpCod > 54 And OpCode < 74 Then ' do we want just the key in GET operations?
NoData = 50 ' yes
OpCod = OpCode - NoData ' adjust to actual op code
End If
If OpCod < 0 Or OpCod > 49 Then ' is this a valid op code?
GoTo Fatal
End If
Select Case OpCod
Case 0 ' Open a file
KVal = Path + FileName(FileNo) ' put the filename in the key buffer
GoSub MakeCall ' do it
If BStatus = BE_FILENOTFOUND Then ' file not found?
Exit Sub
ElseIf BStatus = BE_FILE_LOCKED Then ' is file locked?
MsgBox "File" + Str$(FileNo) + " is locked by another user. Try again later!", 16, "File open error"
ElseIf BStatus = BE_PERMISSION Then ' network permission error?
MsgBox "Permission error", 16, "File open error"
ElseIf BStatus <> BE_OK Then ' any other error
GoTo Fatal
End If
Case 1 ' Close a file
GoSub MakeCall ' do it
If BStatus <> BE_OK Then ' error closing the file?
GoTo Fatal
End If
Case 2 ' Insert
KVal = Space$(128) ' create key buffer
GoSub LoadBuf ' put the data into Btrieve's buffer
GoSub MakeCall ' do it
' check for errors
If BStatus <> BE_OK And BStatus <> BE_CONFLICT And BStatus <> BE_READ_OUT_TRANS And BStatus <> BE_RECORD_LOCKED Then
GoTo Fatal
End If
KeyVal = Left$(KVal, KeyLen(FileNo, KeyNo)) ' return the key
Case 3 ' Update
KVal = KeyVal + Space$(128 - Len(KeyVal)) ' create the key buffer
GoSub LoadBuf ' put the data into Btrieve's buffer
GoSub MakeCall ' do it
' check for errors
If BStatus <> BE_OK And BStatus <> BE_CONFLICT And BStatus <> BE_READ_OUT_TRANS And BStatus <> BE_RECORD_LOCKED Then
GoTo Fatal
End If
KeyVal = Left$(KVal, KeyLen(FileNo, KeyNo)) ' return the key
Case 4 ' Delete
GoSub MakeCall ' do it
' check for errors
If BStatus <> BE_OK And BStatus <> BE_CONFLICT And BStatus <> BE_READ_OUT_TRANS And BStatus <> BE_RECORD_LOCKED Then
GoTo Fatal
End If
Case 5 To 13 ' GET operations
KVal = KeyVal + Space$(128 - Len(KeyVal)) ' create the key buffer
GoSub MakeCall ' do it
If BStatus = BE_EOF Then ' end of file?
KeyVal = ""
' check for other errors?
ElseIf BStatus <> BE_OK And BStatus <> BE_KEYNOTFOUND And BStatus <> BE_RECORD_LOCKED Then
GoTo Fatal
End If
If Not NoData Then ' if we want the data
GoSub ExtractBuf ' put it in the file's data buffer
End If
If BStatus = BE_OK Then ' if operations successfil
KeyVal = Left$(KVal, KeyLen(FileNo, KeyNo)) ' return the key value
End If
Case 14 ' Create
KVal = Path + FileName(FileNo) ' put the filename into the key buffer
GoSub MakeCall ' do it
Case 19 To 21 ' Begin, End and Abort Transaction
GoSub MakeCall ' just do it
Case 22 ' Get position
GoSub MakeCall ' do it
' return the position in the key value
KeyVal = Left$(BtrvBuf.buffer, KeyLen(FileNo, KeyNo))
Case 23 ' Get direct
BtrvBuf.buffer = KeyVal ' put the position in Btrieve's data buffer
KVal = Space$(128) ' create a key buffer
GoSub MakeCall ' do it
If BStatus = BE_OK Then ' if successful
GoSub ExtractBuf ' put the data into the file's data buffer
End If
KeyVal = Left$(KVal, KeyLen(FileNo, KeyNo)) ' extract the key value
Case 24, 33 To 35 ' Step direct, step first, last, previous
GoSub MakeCall ' do it
If BStatus = BE_OK Then ' if successful
GoSub ExtractBuf ' put the data into the file's data buffer
End If
Case 25 ' Stop Btrieve
GoSub MakeCall ' do it
Case 27 ' Unlock
If KeyNo = 1 Then ' unlock a multiple record lock?
BtrvBuf.buffer = KeyVal ' put the position into the data buffer
End If
GoSub MakeCall ' do it
Case 28 ' Reset
GoSub MakeCall
KeyVal = "" ' return null
Case 48 ' No of Recs
OpCod = 15 ' set op code for Btrieve's use
GoSub fStat ' do a Btrieve status
KeyVal = Str$(cvl(Mid$(BtrvBuf.buffer, 7, 4))) ' return the number of records as a string in KeyVal
Case 49 ' Toggle DupFlg
DupFlg = Not (DupFlg) ' toggle duplicates flag
End Select
Exit Sub
' call Btrieve
BStatus = BtrCall(OpCod + NoData + LockType, PosBlk(FileNo), BtrvBuf, Len(BtrvBuf), KVal, Len(KVal), KeyNo)
' put Btrieve's data buffer into the files data buffer
' modify this section for your files
Select Case FileNo
Case 0
LSet ChartRec = BtrvBuf
End Select
' put the file's data buffer into Btrieve's data buffer
' modify this section for your files
Select Case FileNo
Case 0
LSet BtrvBuf = ChartRec
End Select
fStat: ' status op code
KVal = Space$(128)
GoSub MakeCall
Fatal: ' process any errors
If BStatus = BE_DUPKEY And DupFlg Then ' duplicates ok?
Return ' continue
End If
' show error
MsgBox "Btrieve error" + Str$(BStatus) + " for file " + FileName(FileNo), 16, "Btrieve error"
End Sub
' This function takes a 4 byte string representation of
' a 4 byte long integer and creates the integer
' This function is included is other Basics but was
' omitted in VB
Function cvl (mkl As String) As Long
cvl = Asc(Left$(mkl, 1)) + Asc(Mid$(mkl, 2,